In The Arena

The McCain Institute for International Leadership

The McCain Institute for International Leadership presents “In the Arena,” its first podcast series.


In The Arena

The McCain Institute for International Leadership presents “In the Arena,” its first podcast series. Hosted by the Institute’s Senior Director of Communications, Luke Knittig, the podcast features conversations with public servants, journalists, human rights defenders and a host of other individuals who are rolling up their sleeves and taking on tough issues. Download and subscribe to episodes of “In the Arena” on iTunes, SoundCloud, or YouTube.

Featured Guests

Where To Start

Kurt Campbell

As few others can, Asia Group's Kurt Campbell talks China, the practicalities of results-driven diplomacy, strategy and much more in the latest episode of the In The Arena podcast.

Congressman Seth Moulton

The "In The Arena" podcast traveled to Capitol Hill to speak with Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton. In his arena, Congressman Moulton is trying to restore 'regular order' to a dysfunctional Washington. We discussed how his military service influenced his leadership perspective, his foreign policy philosophy, and his vision to improve American politics.

Jamie Fly & Laura Rosenberger

Jamie Fly and Laura Rosenberger of the German Marshall Fund joined the "In The Arena" podcast to discuss their recent policy blueprint for Countering Authoritarian Interference in Democracies, the United States' vulnerability to cyberthreats, and how American citizens must work together to combat foreign interference in our elections.

Meet The Hosts

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Where To Listen

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